Friday, June 28, 2013

Beginner's Luck

     Quick Story. First day of work, June 10th, I was forced to move from my buddy Drew's house on Capitol Hill to work and then finally onto Georgetown. After having dropped off my main green bag the day before, I still had to lug the other two bags and my skateboard with me to and from work. I told myself I would leave enough time so I wouldn't be late my first day. Reasonable right? There was supposed to be some threatening weather rolling into the District but it was quite a pleasant morning near the Capitol Building. Turns out Capitol Hill really is a populated steep slope known to cause problems for an over confident west coast cruiser like myself. After a crazy ride through traffic I finally rolled up to Union Station:

     I took the metro about 20 minutes north to Bethesda. Upon arrival I laid eyes on one of the nations longest escalators. After ascending the extremely long overly extensive escalator, I was met with quite a dark skyline:

     Indeed I skated right into a thunderstorm. I had two bags with me and looked like a classic out of town fool. As I arrived at the address given, I noticed the directory did not have SenecaOne listed. At this point I was now lost, tired, wet and hungry all before 9am. I finally asked a few strangers where the building was and they pointed me down and over one block. Without a rain jacket or umbrella I stumbled into work drenched but on time. Rachel, the HR manager was very kind to let me collect myself after such a strenuous process. Fun fact of the post, it was Rachel's husband and colleagues who were the kind strangers who helped me find this hidden gem. Random.
    I can promise you the commute has gotten better, I do have a home, the weather has warmed up, and the SenecaOne floor is full of entertaining business creating professionals looking to help sell future annuity payments.

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