Friday, June 28, 2013

Beginner's Luck

     Quick Story. First day of work, June 10th, I was forced to move from my buddy Drew's house on Capitol Hill to work and then finally onto Georgetown. After having dropped off my main green bag the day before, I still had to lug the other two bags and my skateboard with me to and from work. I told myself I would leave enough time so I wouldn't be late my first day. Reasonable right? There was supposed to be some threatening weather rolling into the District but it was quite a pleasant morning near the Capitol Building. Turns out Capitol Hill really is a populated steep slope known to cause problems for an over confident west coast cruiser like myself. After a crazy ride through traffic I finally rolled up to Union Station:

     I took the metro about 20 minutes north to Bethesda. Upon arrival I laid eyes on one of the nations longest escalators. After ascending the extremely long overly extensive escalator, I was met with quite a dark skyline:

     Indeed I skated right into a thunderstorm. I had two bags with me and looked like a classic out of town fool. As I arrived at the address given, I noticed the directory did not have SenecaOne listed. At this point I was now lost, tired, wet and hungry all before 9am. I finally asked a few strangers where the building was and they pointed me down and over one block. Without a rain jacket or umbrella I stumbled into work drenched but on time. Rachel, the HR manager was very kind to let me collect myself after such a strenuous process. Fun fact of the post, it was Rachel's husband and colleagues who were the kind strangers who helped me find this hidden gem. Random.
    I can promise you the commute has gotten better, I do have a home, the weather has warmed up, and the SenecaOne floor is full of entertaining business creating professionals looking to help sell future annuity payments.

Prepare for Adventure


     Starting a voyage is always a bit interesting. There is always the question of what to pack, when to start packing, and what was forgotten when already at the airport. If you read my last blog, you know I made the last minute decision to bring my shredstick (skateboard). This time, it might have been the first item crossed off the checklist. You betta believe the "Shred Stick Chronicles" will be making an appearance this time around - DC style of course:
    It was nice to have the respect of my parents when making the key decision to bring such a small source of transportation with me. As you can see I had to get a bit creative walking into the airport. The looks I receive when traveling sometimes are priceless. To be honest I could care less - I've got what I need!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Run It Back

     Yes. Indeed I am back for round two of summer blogs. Why do I decide to write about random events and adventures? To be honest I am not too sure. Writing and rhetoric has never been a strong suit of mine, therefore all the text you will read is merely a bunch of written thoughts typed out as they come to mind. I guess blogging can be a productive way to take up time and without a Facebook I can give a little insight to my friends and family about life in The Capital City. As for this summer - Instead of living in Spain I choose someplace new. Someplace a bit more American... Georgetown.
     Nothing against living among locals from Catalonia (Spain), in fact they seem a bit more easy going compared to pedestrians walking the streets of DC acting like important political figures. Seriously didn't get through my first night without hearing how Obama's authorization of surveillance programs are affecting everyday life in the city or how difficult it is to finish immigration reform before July 4th. Wish we could all have recess in August.
     Anyways, graduating college with the chance to work someplace new for the summer is pretty cool. As most of you know I am an advocate for thrill seeking travel adventures. With that being said, sources of transportation this summer include taking the bus, walking humid, cruising escalators, occasional tipsy taxis, riding the metro and most importantly shredding the shred stick. All posts you can prepare to hear about over the next couple months. I'd like to highlight a few things before we get started: I am not a professional scholar or philosophical intellect. I will have grammatical errors.Washington, DC is very political and not as exciting as a foreign country - still very venturesome you will see. I will still aim for my posts to be fun, exciting, interesting, wild, crazy, happy, heartfelt, and hopefully sober. Hashtags, for some reason, will still apply. And if you want a recap of last summer please refer to HapChap En Barcelona, my blog while living in Spain - Who just recently beat Tahiti 10-0 in the FIFA confederation cup. Highlights Here.