Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pocono Lake Preserve


     A Quaker family community surrounding a beautiful luscious lake, just a few short words when describing Pocono Lake Preserve (PLP). If I had 100 more words to describe this mystery I don't think anyone could. Some things are better off unanswered, until you get to experience it yourself. Don't know if that made any sense but I shall go with it. Anyways, this past weekend I made the trip into the Pocono Mountains (Hills) to hang lakeside with my sister, who works as a lifeguard there, and extended family - a true opportunity to drink beer in the woods with three generations all at once. That's almost as cool as playing four sports in one day not including on lake adventures.
     I drove up with my roommate Corey and her friend Kat Friday night after a strong work week. Arrived on the preserve around 10pm and was at a campsite, fire hot, cold beers, hanging with friends by 10:30pm. The true fun came the next day when a Red vs. Blue softball game took place promptly at 10am. This is no ordinary laughy taffy softball game. This is a competitive engagement where only respect and pure athleticism will get you the chance at bat. A game filled with family rivalry, blunt actions, and witty comments. There is one day a week when successful investment bankers show up in shorts and an old t-shirt, this is the day. You probably get it by now... then again you might now. Just let it be:

      After softball, I wandered over to the courts for a quick round of tennis with my sister Anna. PLP has a tennis "court crew" that keep all eight clay courts in pristine condition. By court crew I mean child labor at 5am every morning. Ask Drew Tanabe, we both sweated out a year of court crew work. Best part about Pocono is the option to jump in the lake in between any and all activities. After tennis, jump in the lake. After Saturday cookout, jump in the lake. By jumping in the lake I mean sprinting off the high platform doing all sorts of inverted maneuvers that have the lifeguards (my sister and co.) terrified. Saturday afternoon involved a lacrosse lesson with my buddy Leo (studly lil guy below) followed by a lax game and then a full field game of soccer... then jump in the lake. After all the day time activities, I went for a sail just before 4:30 - ripping a sunfish pictured below. All in all, another great day. Night time activities involve beer, friends, family and the wilderness. That's about it! Check out a few pictures below:

1 comment:

  1. That's an awesome weekend man. Wish I coulda joined ya!
